The Marvel of Migration

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We have a godwit who visits us in Whanganui each summer, or at least has done for the last 10 years, as I have previously reported in my posts. I checked out the Whanganui River estuary yesterday and the 10 godwits there all look like they are ready to go, and among them our AJD flagged bird, now bright red/orange in colour and laden with fat, ready for the long migration to the northern hemisphere. Below is a picture taken on my phone through the spotting scope. It is a marvel how these birds know the exact time, as AJD usually leaves here on March 22 for Foxton, from where he migrates north on the 25th. I plan to be in Foxton for that date, as I have never actually witnessed his departure on migration.   <strong>LATER NOTE</strong>: AJD actually migrated this year direct from Whanganui, on March 24. I was fortunate to be able to photograph him just before he left, at around 5 pm, see picture below. A47I1535ss